Acupuncture is a 2000 year old ancient Chinese healing art. It is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning by inserting hair-thin, sterilized, single use needles, along the meridians at certain points on the body. The effect of treatments is to help the body’s internal organs correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption and energy production activities, and to enhance the circulation of energy through the meridians.
What if I don't like the idea of needles?
For those patients uncomfortable with the use of acupuncture needles, Linda "Xinsong" Li is also very skilled in the practice of acupressure. Acupressure does not require any needles.
A list of conditions that may be treated or managed using acupuncture (or acupressure) and Chinese herbs is found on our CONDITIONS TREATED page.
How does acupuncture work?
The modern scientific explanation of acupuncture is that needling strategic acupuncture points on the body stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These chemicals either change the pain experience or trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones that help the body’s internal regulation system. The net result is to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and to promote physical and emotional well being.
More and more clinical studies have found that acupuncture can reduce pain, reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, increase range of motion, decrease the side effect of medication-induced nausea, promote relaxation, and reduce muscle spasm.
How does it feel to have an acupuncture treatment?
Acupuncture needles are sterilized, individually wrapped, and disposed of after each treatment of the patient. Most people feel nothing bad but very relaxed. Some may experience mild sensations of sting, numbness, tingling, soreness, or pressure during or after the needle inserting. Most people can go back to normal daily routine right after acupuncture treatment.
How should you prepare for your acupuncture treatment?
No special preparation is required. You can have your meal as usual, or have a snack if you are very hungry, right before the treatment. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing, if possible.
What medical conditions may be helped by acupuncture?
The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture to treat a variety of medical conditions including but not limited to:
Please see our CONDITIONS TREATED page for more detailed information.
What are Xinsong "Linda" Li's qualifications as an acupuncturist?
Linda Li received her formal medical education, in Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, in Kunming, China. She also received a Certificate of Clinical Research Methodology from the Chinese Medical Academy in Beijing, China, and was a member and served as Secretary of the Board, of the Kunming City Traditional Chinese Medical Institution.
Linda Li’s medical career in China included serving for 8 years as an In-patient doctor with the Kunming City Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital in Yunnan, China. She was then promoted to Physician-in-Charge of Internal Medicine at the hospital and worked in this capacity for 5 years. During her thirteen-year tenure with the hospital, Dr. Li published 10 clinical research papers in medical journals in China.
Xinsong "Linda" Li is licensed as an acupuncturist with the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, and has over 20 years of clinical experience in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She had been in practice with Carolyn Bowles, MD, in the Southdale Medical Center for 5 years, with Jeffrey Sawyer, MD, at Parkdale Plaza Building in St. Louis Park, and is currently practicing at her main office in Edina and at an additional location in Golden Valley. Please go to our CONTACT US page for addresses and maps to these locations.
Acupuncture & Chinese Medical Clinic, Inc.
7300 Metro Blvd. #455 Edina, MN 55439 US
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